In­done­sia elec­tion: unofficial vote count shows Prabowo in the lead

Indonesia election results: Polling has ended in the president election in Indonesia. Now unofficial 'quick counts' has started and it suggests Prabowo Subianto and his running mate Gibran are in the lead, reported by Al Jazeera. 

Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto is seen as the frontrunner; two former provincial governors, Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo, also vying for the country’s top job.

On Wednesday, some 205 millions of voters turn out to select the successor to President Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi. He is serving the last of his two terms in office.

Heavy rain and flooding caused some problems on the morning of election day, particularly in Jakarta and Java, but did not seem to dampen voters’ enthusiasm.

According to The Straights Times, unofficial “quick counts” by independent pollsters have proven to be accurate in previous years.

An official result by the election commission is expected within 35 days of the contest.

To win, a candidate needs more than 50 per cent of votes cast and at least 20 per cent of ballots in half of the country’s provinces.

If no candidate meets that requirement, a run-off will take place in June between the top two finishers.

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