How Taliban is changing the economy of Afghanistan?

Taliban has been in absolute power in Afghanistan since August 15, 2021 after defeating the US forces in the war it has fought for two decades. 

However, Taliban government got an empty treasury after capturing Kabul. It can be said that the Taliban rulers have to manage the economy of Afghanistan with absolutely empty pockets.

Although the US was forced to leave Afghanistan militarily, they did not spare the Taliban economically. Washington continues all efforts to financially cripple the new government. 

One of Washington's main weapons is economic blockade. President Joe Biden administration even withheld nearly ten billion dollars in the reserves of Afghanistan's central bank, which was held by the US Federal Reserve. 

In addition, the Taliban government is economically isolated from the rest of the world due to diplomatic isolation. Moreover the economic activities dependent on relief and international aid have reduced significantly. 

Due to the Taliban's negative image regarding women's education and employment, the Western media have regularly continued publishing negative news and propaganda about Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. 

An impression began to emerge in the international arena that Although the Taliban won the gun war, they would soon lose the economic war. But that didn't happen. Taliban led government is radically changing Afghanistan and it's economy. 

Afghani is now the world's best currency 

By the end of 2023, just two years after Taliban taking power, Afghanistan hit the headlines of international media. This time no negative news or propaganda but a positive one. 

Media anchors announced in a dramatic voice that the Afghani is now the world's best currency. The currency of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan has even outperformed the strong US dollar. The whole world is shaken by the news.

The West is also forced to admit that Afghanistan's currency, the Afghani, is the top performing currency in the world in the third quarter of 2023.

It's like a game of fortune tellers, how a country from a completely empty, internationally isolated and devastated economy could overnight elevate its currency to the world's best performing currency in less than two years? How is this possible?

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