Julian Assange's UK court hearing begins Tuesday

WikiLeaks founder imprisoned journalist Julian Assange's UK court hearing begins today, Feb 20. 

Lawyers for Julian Assange to begin a last-ditch attempt to fight his extradition to the US where he could face life in prison if convicted of spying charges.

A two-day hearing in the high court will consider whether Australian-born Assange can be granted leave to appeal against an extradition decision made in 2022 by the then home secretary, Priti Patel.

EU parliamentarians call for protection of Julian Assange 

Dozens of Members of the European Parliament have made a final appeal to the UK Home Secretary to protect Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and prevent his possible extradition to the United States.

On Tuesday just before the final court hearing on Julian Assange’s extradition, 46 MEP or signatories emphasise their concerns about the Assange case and its impact on press freedom, as well as the serious risks to Assange’s health if he is extradited to the US.

According to the letter, the US government is attempting to use the Espionage Act, which was passed in 1917, against a journalist and publisher for the very first time. If the US succeeds and Assange is extradited, this would redefine investigative journalism. It would extend the application of US criminal laws internationally and apply it to a non-US citizen without a corresponding extension of First Amendment rights.

Patrick Breyer, Member of the European Parliament for the Pirate Party Germany and co-initiator of the letter, comments:

"Europe is watching the UK and its respect for human rights and the Human Rights Convention closely. Britainship with the EU is at stake."

"The imprisonment and prosecution of Assange sets an extremely dangerous precedent for all journalists and press freedom. Any journalist could be prosecuted in the future for publishing ‘state secrets’. Representatives of the US government have confirmed to me that the standards applied to Assange would also be applied to any other journalist. We cannot accept this to happen."

"The public has a right to know about state crimes committed by those in power so that they can stop them and bring the perpetrators to justice. With Wikileaks, Julian Assange has started an era where injustice can no longer be swept under the carpet – now it is up to us to defend transparency, accountability and our right to the truth."

In the meantime supporters of Julian Assange call for protests London, New York and other cities. 

A protest has been called in New York on Tuesday noon and all the Assange supporters are urged to gather at UK CONSULATE, 885 Second Avenue and 47th Street, NYC. 

The protest is organized by NYC Free Assange, Assange Defense, Stand With Assange NY, Assange Countdown to Freedom, CODEPINK and Socialist Action. 

Julian Assange now trending on social media 

Julian Assange case has become a trending topic on social media as today 20 February marks the beginning of award-winning journalist's two-day hearing in the UK High Court in London. Stella Assange, the wife of Julian Assange said that this could be the final chance to stop his extradition to the US where he faces up to 175 years in prison.

The hearing will determine whether Julian will have further opportunity to argue his case in the UK courts or whether he will be extradited to the US.

In the lead-up to the hearing, calls to halt Julian’s extradition have been expressed across the world. Including calls from human rights organisations, civil liberties groups, US law professors and a UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. 

75 German MPs have signed a letter demanding Julian’s release recently. 

Australia stands for Julian Assanges

Last week Australian Federal MPs displayed an unprecedented level of political support for Julian. Independent MP Andrew Wilkie on behalf of the Bring Julian Assange Home Parliamentary Group submitted a motion calling for Julian to be allowed to safely return to Australia. The motion passed with 86 votes in favour including Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s.

Andrew Wilkie MP will be in London for Julian’s hearing to crucially communicate that the majority of Australians and the Australian government want the persecution of Julian to end.

Read more: Julian Assange's Two Sons Saw Him In Belmarsh Prison

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